Friday, March 2, 2007

UI Changes

Vinícius Depizzol has sent me some mockups with really nice ideas, so i have implemented some of them:
  • The top bar (which we call owner info) now follows the gtk+ theme
  • Removed the status combo from the top and integrated it on the top bar
Here are the results:

He also suggested some nice changes to the conversation window. I will implement those as soon as possible :)


Unknown said...

Really nice! :D

init.d said...

i just got it from svn, but when i login i cant see my contact list. dunno what to do. i cant access preferences and other things too

init.d said...

other bug that I've noticed is that if you put the pointer on a contact to se that box with details he show the details of other contact

Thiago M. Sayão said...

Diogo: There is no preferences window yet, it's under development. About the contact list bug, it should be fixed on the latest svn version :)

Thiago M. Sayão said...

It's now fixed!

Anonymous said...

Which distro do you use? With ubuntu when I try to I get this error:

checking for Mono.Posix.dll... configure: error: missing required Mono DLL: Mono.Posix.dll

I had to edit configure file and change /lib/mono/2.0/ to /usr/lib/mono/2.0/

I created a debian/ubuntu package with checkinstall from SVN revision 152, if you want it just ask.

Oh, and the contact list bug isn't fixed yet... so no contacts :)

Thiago M. Sayão said...

I use ubuntu edgy.
Make sure you have automake 1.9, some users had problems with older versions. Ubuntu has 1.9 and older versions available.

About the contact list bug, it's weird. Never happened to me. Do you have online contacts on your list? Check the gconf-editor for the key apps/monkey-messenger/contact-list/show-offline.

Nice, i've never heard of this checkinstall thing, will take a look on it and make some packages available :)


Anonymous said...

I'm using ubuntu feisty with automake 1.10

checkinstall help to create a deb package but it has some limitations... now I'm creating a real deb package from sources without checkinstall.. it takes more time but I have more options. If you need jsut ask.

And yes... my "show offline contacts" on gconf was unchecked. Now its ok. I'm brazilian, if you need someone to test and make packages I can do it for you.

kag said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kag said...

I'm using Dapper, I had the same error as ots stated (about Mono.Posix.dll), and after changing /lib/mono/2.0/ for /usr/lib/mono/2.0/ and I'm having this error: Requested 'gtk-sharp-2.0 >= 2.10' but version of Gtk is 2.8.2

According to Synaptic, I have the latest version. I'm also using automake 1.9. Is there something I can do? Maybe someone could make a .deb file?

Anonymous said...

Guillaume: you need gtk2.10 so you have to upgrade to edgy.

kag said...

Well then I might as well just wait for 7.04 which will be out in about 40 days.

Anonymous said...

However if you want to test my package with dapper you can download it here:

If it works with dapper let me know.

kag said...

ots: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libmono2.0-cil

Anonymous said...

so you need edgy or feisty or you can try to search libmono2.0-cil and all packages libmono2.0-cil needs to install... the easiest way is wait feisty release i think :)