Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ping? Pong!

As Diogo Araujo suggested, Monkey Messenger now sends Pings to the server to keep the connection alive. The functionality was missing on MSNPSharp so i've implemented it :)

Btw, I'm cleaning MSNPSharp code, removing the code docs (not the comments, just the docs) as it doesn't belong there. I'm also organizing code to a better style. Variables on the top, constructors on the top, etc.. So if you feel like learning things, it's a good start since it's easy to do :)

Keep translations coming! I promise i will make it work properly soon, if someone doesn't do it first...


Anonymous said...

Ah crap, just a week or so ago I updated my program to use the latest msnp-sharp (which means customising a few objects in msnp-sharp to work correctly with WPF), now I have to do it again?! :P

Keep up the good work Thaigo :)

Unknown said...

I've ask for a "sort contacts by its online/offline status" feature time ago. Hope you haven't forget it :)

Unknown said...

Here is the package of the SVN (26/05/07):

Monkey MSN SVN

Finx said...

I would like to have the option to choose if i prefer to use tabs or windows without tabs in the conversations.

And if it could be ... delete the empty groups in main window

Sorry because my english and thanks