Tuesday, August 7, 2007

MSN Stinks

That's it! MSN Sux very much. I can say it because i know half of the things that happens inside it. If half of the things sux, i can say it sux! :)
The major problem is, i don't know the other half part to make any complete work out of it. And if i can't finish it, why insist?

I will be thinking about migrating (read evoluting :) Monkey Messenger to google talk. What do you think? Maybe Monkey Talk :)



Unknown said...

yeah go ! keep the minimum for MSN (chat& smiley) and do all the stuff that google talk can do.

Trevice said...

also you could use the telepathy protocol...its already implemented, so you could use it for MSN or GTalk protocol wwithout breack your mind

Anyways...Gtalk is cool!!! if you migrate to it....do you think you could enable voice sopport? Nowdays no one have it

Yuri said...

One simple thing to turn Jabber protocol more popular: A killer messenger!

If Monkey Messenger (or Monkey Talk) implements features that can make it better then MSN Messenger the users will ask "msn is more popular, but jabber (gtalk) has a messenger with better features, which protocol I will choose?". This is the first step to try break the msn messenger monopoly.

Nuno said...

I hope you not quit. We already have many jabber clients. So dont quit, i realy love monkey messenger

CyberThijs said...

I have to agree that the current documentation of the MSNP15-protocol sucks bigtime..

I'd advise to upgrade your current msnp-sharp library to MSNP13, because that is the latest version of the protocol that is well documented.

Max said...

Why not try to join forces with emesene, another great msn client in Gtk??